Thursday, January 28, 2010


LIFE, as it is, and will be!

To create a existence of truly being, accepting those beings and things that are here if you are or not. Having no expectations of what is; or what was will be, it will take care of its self, left to be left with.

Experiences are varied and personal; as are the many perspectives, that is also a individual thing. Chances are the occurrences that are the fuel in life’s situations. So that only means that the awareness of being is in the now. Like it or not, it is what it is whatever.

So how will you react or be responsive to the occurrence? Will you be in the now or let a tiny voice tell you what to do or how to be? Something or some ones experience from the past. Maybe to ignore the facts around you? Both may be right, both can be wrong, time will only tell. Nothing to add or take it away, its being is, just its being.

Chances are time, it takes and gives examples of the idea of how life creates around you, is it self created by beliefs, or for example: by accident you kick a corner (due to being in some other state of being and not paying attention to surroundings) may protect you from a hit on the head. So what would be the most satisfying to your being? To pay attention to surroundings, for the sake of trying to be consciously aware for the center self of being and keeping safe.

Pain that is accepted, pain will remain, as long as it is hung on too, or shared with others only to feed it to grow and remain. Shared or kept, being carried with you always. So to not recognized it will only create more to carry. And those other souls with the same intent will gather around you and use the situation to their benefit, not a problem if this is to your liking.

Obstacles are the ingredients of the life with occurrences to see if we can wade through the many situations. Taking us further through our existence called life. Being is what Being does, just keeps being. The sight, the feel of what is, how and what are the thoughts that carry the intent now and for the future is how you carry the message or information forward. And to not be taken personally is hard, because most would like to be responsible for self or others. This how others will treat or react to your being. Creating calm or disruption is upon the thoughts words or deeds of being, this will create the environment, to be in it is what is the believed.

Always to remember being one of the many ingredient needed here in this life now, even if not to feel to not know the rules, the pluses or minus. As this Existence is part of the total being of now, not then or future, as being in the now. Built from the past to be in the now to create the future, however to it or to believe or not, in it, or to live in it.

The grand design for being is to share in this experience called alive; by all behavior and beliefs of taught experiences that may or may not be factual or true to individual being. The trick is to not be angry at not understanding what is now, all is not equal. Life is as Life does, by it‘s own rules. Life is what your efforts have created it to be, to achieve grateful or graceless, trust or disillusion the choice is yours.

There is separations and disabilities that will set beings apart; like the gender or skin color of beings with the many familiar existences, needing clean air, water, food. As with all coexistences that feed our bodies, emotions or behaviors. Self created or learned, with intuition that can be altered to survival. By using the perspectives if wanted to look toward being. Peace, is to be as peace does.

All life is as cherish able as needed or wants, again all is choice, of every action has a equal reaction. Like a rock has it’s reaction of ripples as it is tossed into water. Keep this in mind with all actions, words or beliefs, for life is truly a displine of character. There is no hiding from the breathing self, with respect all can flow smoothly in life creating Love, so love is as love does.

As we share the land, water, air and existence, we should leave it better than we have found it. To cycle all the things that can be, and reuse the things we can. Be them real or not, seen or unseen, all life is being shared, not always to a reliable degree. Even the choices are being shared, uncreated or created by all the actions taken or not just by being.

But the Adulterating life existence for the idea of worth that only creates greed and waste is a destructive effort. Creating a false undone existence true to its self, not for the better for being. A Toxic reality being shared, not always enjoyed by its self or others but still being. A Polluting of one thing not only divides its self but continues on till it is not in the reality it started with. Becoming dangerous even if it is the natural state of its being. Some times that is the best way to be, some ways it is not.
It depends on intent, the use of actions, behavior, words or deeds. Illusion or reality will create to its knowledge of its being, even if not known how, why, when or where. Many strange and wonderful things in life may come hard and strong, or soft and cushy. All life is as it is created.

By the perspective that is brought into any occurrence dictates the energies toward a outcome. But to change or alter the situation is to redirect the perspective, to realize was or is it from another who truly has no true idea of how to just change the perspective, or see its being in another way. Even Through another’s perspective may be correct for them, but not for self it is but to try to make a attempt for a positive change in being.

Once the understanding that Love shares warmth, confusion shares its disruption. With less interaction to create more dissolution. However life will show the less may be the easier, may even be the better. But by keeping things easy may or may not be the better, every thing has many ways of being. To take the time is to assess the situations, that may create the way to ease the occurrence into a better state of being. But is that to hide, or run away? If to only try.

To believe in not believing that self could or could not do a thing to change the outcome. How ever time has had made a change and there is no way of taking it back. So to be aware is so vital to being that awareness can save a being. Being aware by seeing the reality out side of self and how it creates or alters the situations around the occurrences. Without trying can only create apathy of not really being, only existing without really being. Excuses that create delusions of accomplishment, will it be another false reality in the making?

Disruptions are always occurring, out of our control, how they are dealt with creates or un creates the rough situations. All deals with control, for better or worse, the choice is up to the being. Feeling being in control or being controlled, digression discretion needed upon occurrence. It takes both to make it work.

Sorrow to any of these occurrences will only lessen the sense of being, drained of emotions for the thing or things. Using the sorry for their own sense of being not relating to the reality that all of us must walk the same narrow way with these emotions. The task is to not take life so serious, to loose its self in the occurrences, or to let it take hold and control all other feelings. To let it be the one in control will only confuse the situation, creating disharmony. May just be fear, calling it more into being. All the being, unthinking, not understanding of the control it has on our being, fear of loss.

Justice is not always equal, but has the element of seeing the idea of the right or wrong that may be being applied to the situation or occurrence. No matter the reality, it is the who that has been given the privilege to believe they are the only ones to dictate the reality behind the judgment taking place.
Wrong! Take the occurrence and use the essence behind the occurrence and see what reality can be salvaged from the experience. By count of the energies used to make it so, also makes it so. Be cautious of what you believe or wish for, the universe is in control, so drop your end of the rope and enjoy the happenings.

Not to be any one’s excuse or idea of who’s idea is thought to be best. Maybe for them, maybe for you, time will only tell, will or can you. Any loss is a pity condition that will drain a being, any and all living beings. Attention is attention, good or bad, we all try to gain that self unconditional awareness of others, to gain respect for ourselves. Some with ease and some with a fight, again it is up to the being. Which the choice is in truly being, self and at ease with the choices created and made. From within plus with allowing the universe to keep you more aware of self.

It all starts from within; guided from without; to assess the best that can be adjusted to live with.
It takes a lot of self worth, knowing that all is conditioned by our beliefs and actions and deeds. As to undertake the bettering as life goes on, to create a better way, for self and others.

Yes life has a lot to offer if we take the time without expectations to jump in and enjoy it. Remember where you started from, a young human needing someone to help you to survive this is a experience called life. Who truly knows, not a single person understands how it all gets created. Some may want to follow ways from long time ago, giving power away. As to not being able in giving any alternative ways to see how life is, as just what it is.

Being curious will only aid in gaining strength to make it, not to have others make it for us, which is freedom of choice toward free will. Every human has this ability to make those arrangements for and
By themselves over anything, if that spirit truly wants to make that choice.

Mistakes create opportunities to make choices for the use of creating for the better, not always the worst. Paying attention to conditions will help to make the right choices, for self and those who may be affected. Example the water is rising, will you be in fear or look for higher ground? Or will you ignore it and drown, or feel that no one else is worth it and keep the information to your self?.

You who are to judge, will be judged. The choice again is up to you. If you had it all, or more than you need, would you go out of your way and share? Or would you hoard it, or get rid of it in the trash? You may feel deprived but it is not knowing life and its true worth, that its all in creating the sense of denial of being alive, creating and living sorrow, wanting attention of pity.

The maybes and the what ifs are such a waste of good time and energy, it is a real crime against humanity. To believe that the self should have no need with effort to achieve for daily life. For daily life, with hourly, as seconds count by, there is always some effort to create existence in life. All like the ingredients in cooking. Acknowledge the plan, check what tools, pick out materials, count the amounts, design the process, place to do the job, help needed and so much consideration for why, when, how, where, all the calculation to do a single project. It will never be perfect, but tolerance will aid in the creation for the adventure it’s self. If care is taken the out come will be yummy, if not though through the out come will be a disaster.

Every breath taken is controlled by a unknown independent part of the unconscious brain, life at it’s unknown essence of being alive. Actively directing the controlling encounter, with this existence called being conscious. That supports living beings with out wondering why, just knowing that it is just so.